Success order created successfully.
Error order was not created.
Insufficient Funds order was not created.
You must have an account and be logged in to sell
Max AUD purchase amount for this bundle is $0.00
Error order was not created, one or more coins within the bundle are unavailabe at present.

Coin % Amount

What is Sports Bundle?

The Sports Bundle is a CoinSpot Bundle comprised of the top 10 sports cryptocurrencies listed on CoinSpot ranked by Market Capitalisation as at February 2025.

CoinSpot Bundles are a simple way to gain exposure to a cross-section of blockchain projects.

Please note: Buying the Sports Bundle will automatically purchase the individual assets and store them in your respective CoinSpot wallets.

How do I buy Sports Bundle?

Deposit funds into your account. Click here to make a deposit.
Enter the AUD value you would like to buy. The quantity of coins received will be shown in the table.
Click ‘Buy’ to confirm your Sports Bundle purchase and the coins / tokens will be deposited into each wallet.
Don't have an account? Click here.