● Advanced Blockchain

Blockchain-Based Voting: Increasing Security, Transparency, and Accessibility

6 minutes 2 years ago

Vote tampering and electoral fraud allegations have plagued recent American elections. Traditional voting is vulnerable to these kinds of assaults, despite the fact that there hasn't been much evidence to support it. The way we conduct elections could be revolutionised by blockchain technology. Blockchain technology can offer a secure and transparent platform for electronic voting by utilising a decentralised network and safe cryptographic methods. While avoiding accusations of bias and meddling, it remains autonomous and decentralised.

Voting has historically involved the use of paper ballots and polling places, which requires a lot of manual labor. People will wait in line for hours, and occasionally they may forgo it altogether because of the bother. This system is both expensive and time-consuming for local governments to run, and it is susceptible to fraud, human error, and manipulation. In contrast, employing blockchain technology for electronic voting has a variety of advantages, including improved security, openness, and accessibility.

Vote Counting:

An advantage of using blockchain technology for voting is that it offers a highly secure and tamper-proof way to record and count votes. This is due to the fact the blockchain is a decentralized and distributed ledger. Blockchains are not controlled and cannot be controlled by any single entity or organization. Instead, the network is made up of many different nodes, or computers, that all work together to maintain the integrity of the system. Because the blockchain is distributed among many different nodes, it is extremely difficult for a single entity to manipulate or alter the data. The reason for this is any changes to the data would have to be made on every single node in the network, which is practically impossible. Additionally, the use of cryptographic techniques, such as digital signatures, ensures that the data on the blockchain is secure and cannot be tampered with or changed unless permission is given.

This combination of decentralization and strong cryptography makes it nearly impossible for anyone to manipulate the election results on a blockchain-based voting system. This ensures that the election results are accurate and cannot be tampered with. Which is a major advantage over traditional voting systems that are vulnerable to fraud and manipulation.


Blockchain technology has the ability to enhance security and transparency in voting systems. While doing so, it also allows eligible voters to cast their ballots electronically, which can make it easier for individuals to participate in elections, which in turn, can lead to higher voter turnout and participation.

When a blockchain-based voting system is utilised, every vote is recorded on a digital ledger. This grants anyone with access the ability to view the network and easily audit the results. As such voters themselves can verify that their vote was counted correctly and that the election was conducted fairly. In theory, this should negate public arguments on the validity of elections.

Electronic voting using blockchain technology also allows people to vote from anywhere in the world, using their mobile phones or computers. This is especially helpful for people who are unable to travel to a polling station, such as those with disabilities or those who live abroad. Such an unprecedented level of accessibility can greatly increase voter turnout and participation in elections.

Enhanced accessibility:

Another key benefit of using blockchain technology for voting is the ability to enhance accessibility for eligible voters. When it comes to traditional voting systems, eligible voters must go to a designated polling station on election day to cast their ballots in person. This can be inconvenient or impossible for some people, such as those who are physically disabled, living overseas, or serving in the military. Not to mention very slow and time consuming.

A blockchain-based voting system, on the other hand, could allow eligible voters to cast their ballots electronically, using a smartphone or other device. This could make it much easier for people to participate in elections, regardless of their location or physical ability. Additionally, because blockchain technology is decentralized, it would enable individuals to vote from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection.

Faster results:

Another advantage of adopting blockchain technology for voting is that it can produce results considerably more quickly than conventional voting systems. With a traditional voting system, eligible voters must physically cast their ballots on election day at a designated polling place. Then, these votes must be manually counted by volunteers, which can be tedious and error-prone.

On the other side, a voting system powered by blockchain might deliver results almost instantly. This is so that every vote made in a blockchain-based system is recorded and confirmed as it is cast. This makes it possible for the votes to be automatically counted as they are registered, providing results very instantly, and removing the need for human counting and a sizable volunteer force.

Overall, using blockchain technology to vote has several benefits over conventional voting methods. It has the ability to transform the way we conduct elections and guarantee that every vote counts by delivering enhanced security, transparency, and accessibility.

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