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Blockchain Explained: Its Mechanism and Applications
Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transparent transactions and tracking assets in a business network. In this article we explain how it works, and what it can be applied to.
8 minutes 10 months ago
What Is an IDO (Initial DEX Offering)?
This article will be looking at IDO’s or Initial DEX Offerings, how they play a part in the crypto industry and how the IDO model raises funds for projects.
10 minutes 11 months ago
What is Fiat Currency
Everyone uses Fiat currency but do you know what it is? This article will explain its origins and how cryptocurrency compares.
8 minutes a year ago
Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?
One of the biggest mysteries in the crypto industry has been the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto. In this article we explore who the founder of Bitcoin might be, and the things we know for sure.
10 minutes a year ago
Bitcoin Halving 101: How It Works and Why It Matters
The Bitcoin halving cuts the Bitcoin mining rewards in half once a set of 210,000 blocks are mined. In this article we will explain why this is important.
10 minutes a year ago
History of BTC: 5000 days and counting
A detailed history of Bitcoin. We will be looking at its ups and downs, and how it has changed the world since its creation 5000 days ago.
10 minutes 2 years ago

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